Pedro Jimenez

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Software Engineer

👋 Hello there,

My name is Pedro Jose Jimenez Perez, I'm a software engineer focused on web development, mostly backend development.

I have a degree in Systems Engineering and Telecommunications from the University of Cordoba - Colombia.

I've been writing code since 2012 and I've been working for a couple of companies since 2015.

👀 I’m interested in any web technology that may look promising to me and also I'm interested in more general topics like:

👨‍💻 I’ve more than 10 years of experience working with web technologies in both frontend and backend but as I've mentioned I'm more interested in backend stuff so you will see more experience on that side.

Some of the technologies I have experience with are:

🌱 I’m currently insterested in:

📫 How to reach me: